Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What's right with Joplin? What's wrong with Joplin? It's your turn

It's time for Inside Joplin's version of open mike night.

Do you have something you want to say about the city of Joplin, Jasper County, Joplin schools or the private schools in the area, Missouri Southern, Christmas- your choice.

Just leave your comments and let's get this started.


  1. Nothing is wrong with Joplin, we're just another city. All cities have their faults, wherever you go. Little secrets to big headlines, we're not perfect. Gossip is the thing that destroys unity within Joplin and in any city. Now, I'm not trying to use Christianity against you here, but as a firm believer in Christ and his will-- Ephesians 4:29 says, "Let no corrupting talk come from your mouths but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." I feel that we're all caught up in the latest gossip... Who is saying what... How I don't agree with he/she said....I can't believe this leader of our city did this or that. It's driving me insane. Some people live off this constant social buzz! Christian or not, gossip is just a terrible thing to partake in or even start. I feel that through the gossip of ANY location in our city, it is given a bad reputation. For example, lets take Joplin Schools.... I LOVE JOPLIN SCHOOLS. I do. I admire all executive leaders and the decisions that they have made to the best of their abilities. Sometimes we all have our faults and that's okay, because we're human! What's it to you that our school district didn't meet the states criteria from our test scores? Does that make us "extra-stupid" or something? What about these laptops? They've allowed us to move forward! Administration? They've done their best to make decisions and you may or may not agree with them, but they have a say about everything! So build a bridge and get over it. There's no science or theory that needs to go behind that we all make mistakes! So, I guess my point is this... Don't participate in gossip...period. Other viewers much older and wiser than me may see some serious faults in what I've said, but this is an opinionated statement, and this is MY opinion. You can agree or disagree with me. I don't care either way, and frankly, I don't want to know either way.

  2. Yes a lot of things have changed for Joplin, some good, some not so good, I've seen people come out and help like crazy but then there is always the darker side of things And I think the city is keeping way too many things from us and I do not approve of the city planner they have hired or how they have rebuilt the new middle school, I personal know people that have to work in that building and they are fearful because of all the glass hallways, I don't care how strong you think it is, it's just an accident waiting to happen, for 2 reasons, what if another tornado hit or a school shooter came in, they would all be sitting ducks
