(From the Newton County Commission)The Newton County Commissioners are pleased to announce that they have voted to approve an agreement with ALLO Communications to partner with the County to implement the first stage of a broadband deployment plan to provide important and needed Internet connectivity to the unserved and under-served areas of rural Newton County.
This agreement, leveraging the remaining federal ARPA grant funds that the County previously received, will finance the construction of a 'middle-mile' backbone fiber line across the County that will be completed over the next two years.
This fiber will then provide the infrastructure for ALLO and potentially other Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to connect to and build-from it to provide 'fiber to home' service for Newton County residents. The agreement with ALLO, providing $6.9 million in ARPA grant funding, will also support the development of up to nine (9) flash-flood sensor alert locations across the County that will be connected to the backbone fiber line, providing significant public safety enhancement for County residents.
The County Commissioners also approved a second ARPA-funded agreement with the Area Agency on Aging, totaling $25,000 in APRA funding, to provide digital skills training for County residents, offering it first to the County's senior population.
"During this broadband development planning process, following significant stakeholder outreach, we heard from County residents loud-and-clear that they needed better Internet connectivity, as soon as practically possible, with the opportunity to allow competition in providing service. We also heard from the surveys and one-on-one meetings that enhancing public safety and providing assistance to support greater adoption of connectivity was important. This agreement between the County and ALLO addresses all those requests, within the ARPA funding limitations of the County", remarked Alan Cook, retiring County Commissioner.
"The Commission looks forward to working with ALLO in the construction of this middle-mile, backbone fiber infrastructure in Newton County, to be completed by the end of 2026. By taking this broadband planning approach with ALLO, the County has guaranteed that our ARPA funds will be used to lay the foundation for improved internet connectivity for the County. ALLO, and potentially other interested ISPs, can then make application for federal BEAD grant funding to provide fiber to home service for our county residents. We are especially pleased that this fiber infrastructure touches all the unserved rural areas of the County, which were identified during the planning process", commented Presiding Commissioner Daniel Swem.
"During this broadband development planning process, following significant stakeholder outreach, we heard from County residents loud-and-clear that they needed better Internet connectivity, as soon as practically possible, with the opportunity to allow competition in providing service. We also heard from the surveys and one-on-one meetings that enhancing public safety and providing assistance to support greater adoption of connectivity was important. This agreement between the County and ALLO addresses all those requests, within the ARPA funding limitations of the County", remarked Alan Cook, retiring County Commissioner.
"The Commission looks forward to working with ALLO in the construction of this middle-mile, backbone fiber infrastructure in Newton County, to be completed by the end of 2026. By taking this broadband planning approach with ALLO, the County has guaranteed that our ARPA funds will be used to lay the foundation for improved internet connectivity for the County. ALLO, and potentially other interested ISPs, can then make application for federal BEAD grant funding to provide fiber to home service for our county residents. We are especially pleased that this fiber infrastructure touches all the unserved rural areas of the County, which were identified during the planning process", commented Presiding Commissioner Daniel Swem.
Details regarding the County's connectivity deployment plan, as well as the Area Agency on Aging training program, will be posted on the County website soon. In the meantime, County residents can view the County's broadband study that provided the foundation for the planning for the Commissioners' decisions to support improved connectivity infrastructure for the County at the following website:
Newton County Remains committed to developing a more connected, sustainable, and equitable community. The County Commissioners look forward to working with ALLO and other interested partners to achieve the important goal of a more connected Newton County.
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