Saturday, May 9, 2020

Baxter Springs baby rushed to ER following seizure brought on by sampling dad's edible marijuana chews

(From the Baxter Springs Police Department)

Friday afternoon Baxter Springs Police Department officers, fire and EMS responded to a 911 call in town to the report of a baby in seizure and not known if it was breathing.

Upon arrival, PD Officers who first respond, discovered a child approximately 12 to 18 months of age. He was in a full seizure, not breathing and pupils were not reactive to light. 

Four officers and myself worked on getting him breathing and provided aid until the ambulance arrived. 

My patrol sergeant then drove the ambulance to the emergency room because both medical officers were needed in the back to revive the child. 

Now for the point of this message- to tell everyone how dangerous cannabis and laced fruit chews can be. 

This young one got into Dad's stash of edible marijuana chews by accident of course. But the end result was that he was seconds away from death because someone that young has no tolerance for any substance like that, whether it is legal or illegal. 

Prescription medicines, even aspirin, etc. absolutely has to be locked up and put where there is a zero chance that kids can get into it. 

Yesterday made a believer out of me and my officers. Holding the limp body of an infant, knowing it was so easily preventable really soaks in my brain that we ALL need to stop what we’re doing right now and go lock up all of our meds, prescription or over the counter, and get it away from our children! 

While we’re at it - lock up those firearms too and anything else that curious little ones will want to play with

As of last night, the baby was in stable condition. These parent learned a lesson they will carry with them forever.

I will say that most of us have left things we never thought of as life threatening, where it was accessible to children. 

What could kill a child may be harmless to an adults, so we need to stop and really think about it today. 

Please take the time, let’s not see this happen again in our community or anywhere else for that matter.

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