March 20, 2020
There being a quorum present, the meeting of the Crowder College Board of Trustees of the Community College District of Newton-McDonald Counties, Missouri, was called to order by Board Chair, Mr. Andy Wood, at 3:02 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2020, in the Crowder College Student Center Fireside Room.
Members present for the meeting were: Members attending via telephone were:
Andy Wood, Chair Vickie Barnes, Treasurer
Diane Andris, Member Rick Butler, Vice Chair
Al Chapman, Secretary
Larry Vancuren, Member
Also attending the meeting were:
Glenn Coltharp, President
Martha Nimmo, Administrative Assistant to the President
Adam Morris, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Amy Rand, Vice President of Finance
Tiffany Slinkard, Vice President of Student Affairs
A few moments of silence were observed to prepare for the meeting.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
Minutes of the February 24 regular meeting and the March 13 closed session were approved as written and previously distributed ON MOTION by Dr. Chapman, seconded by Mrs. Andris and unanimously carried.
Financial Reports
Mr. Wood drew attention to the monthly cash flow statement, and Dr. Coltharp reviewed the checks written, selecting various checks on each page to point out.
During the check review process, members asked additional questions as needed. When asked, VP Slinkard noted that we are canceling the Upward Bound cultural trip to Washington DC this summer, and we have not had any trouble getting refunds back from vendors so far. She said we hope to take some smaller trips later in the summer to use the funds and still give students those experiences.
Dr. Coltharp reported at the McDonald County site, remodeling of one room is taking place to make a simulated hospital room and a delivery room with viewing capabilities, using one-time nursing funds.
He reported that Dr. Peter Broglio will receive a brick for around the Tatum Bell Tower from PTK students in thanks for his years of service as a PTK Advisor since 1999. He said Dr. Broglio is not retiring, but he is stepping down as PTK Advisor, and Dr. David Schieffler, History Instructor, will be serving in that roll beginning in the Fall 2020 semester along with Suzanne Prior.
Checks in the amount of $922,061.54 were approved ON MOTION by Mrs. Andris, seconded by Mr. Vancuren and unanimously carried. The rest of the fund balances and agency accounts were reviewed.
Mr. Wood asked if there will be any problem receiving funds for the Dell Reed TEC in the next four months. Ms. Rand said state funds for secondary Perkins and Enhancement grants have been requested, and we are hopeful those funds will come in as expected.
Dr. Coltharp noted Transport Training is finishing the current class of students and will temporarily suspend classes after that. Mr. Wood said the budgets may be adversely affected in the next four months of the fiscal year.
Dr. Coltharp agreed saying our reserves are currently healthy and may be needed. Ms. Rand said she has figured the impact of housing students potentially moving out early and since many of those students are on scholarship, there should be minimal impact. Dr. Coltharp said our students have been wonderful about agreeing to finish out the current year with online classes, and faculty and advisors are working closely with any students who need assistance.
Ms. Rand said Customized Training is working on an agreement for a retained jobs training program. She said the Maddox Hill Center is required to provide services to their students as long as the K-12 schools are in session, so modifications to online delivery is being made along with in-home kits for IEP students.
The rest of the centers were reviewed briefly along with the revenue and expense accounts. Ms. Rand said we hope to receive about ninety percent of the tuition and fee revenue budgeted for the fiscal year. Mr. Wood said that it is very good that our reserve funds are healthy during these uncertain times.
Tuition & Fees Recommendation, Fall 20, Spring & Summer 21
Dr. Coltharp said this is the second reading for tuition and fees, and we are still recommending the same conservative increases that were discussed last month. He said the per credit hour tuition and fee increases are as follows: In-district to $95 (a three dollar increase), Out-of-district to $154 (a six dollar increase), International to $211 (a nine dollar increase), Institutional Support fee to $28 (a three dollar increase), Safety and Security fee to $10 (a two dollar increase), Online Course fee to $33 (a three dollar increase), and Flex Course fee to $17 (a two dollar increase). Mr. Wood asked if there was any further discussion, and there was none. A MOTION to approve the tuition and fees rates as recommended was made by Dr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Vancuren and unanimously carried.
Dr. Coltharp recommended approval of the resignation of Jil McKinney, Office Manager at the Joplin ATTC. A MOTION to approve her resignation was made by Mrs. Andris, seconded by Mrs. Barnes and unanimously carried.
Dr. Coltharp recommended approval of the following five employments: Taylor Hendrick, Talent Search Advisor; Melissa Harrison, Career and Transfer Services Coordinator; Savannah Lawrence, Bookstore Clerk (PT), Crowder Cassville; Ismary Hernandez, Business Division Departmental Assistant (PT), and Madison Mayes, Information Desk Attendant (PT). A MOTION to approve all five employments as recommended was made by Mr. Vancuren, seconded by Dr. Chapman and unanimously carried.
COVID-19 Update and Discussion
Dr. Coltharp thanked all of our great faculty and staff who are doing amazing work in adjusting to online classes. He said meetings have been taking place daily with the vice presidents, associate vice presidents, maintenance/security and public information to prepare and to determine when it was necessary to make changes. He said when the CDC went from groups of fifty to only allowing groups of ten, it was determined that we need to get students off campus and get staff off campus for at least three weeks; faculty have already been off campus for a week now. Dr. Coltharp said we are ahead of some of the other community colleges because our spring break was a week earlier than most. He provided a copy of the letter going out to all employees today saying that faculty will remain at home to conduct online instruction through the end of the semester. He said May graduation ceremonies will be cancelled due to the CDC guidelines for the next eight weeks, and we feel family members will appreciate knowing this in advance. He clarified that we are now asking all staff except essential duties to work from home for the next three weeks. Dr. Coltharp said technology is being adjusted to allow telephones to be connected to individual cell phones as needed, and any interviews will be conducted through ZOOM. He said police will remain on campus for security purposes per their contract. He said regarding graduation, students will be invited to participate at a future ceremony, and plans are to send students a graduation program with their names in it as a memento. Dr. Coltharp said we will notify staff today that we are asking them to leave campus at the end of the workday on Monday, March 23, so they will have time to gather whatever work they need. He said we will determine if staff may return to campus at the end of the three-week period. Dr. Coltharp said a letter to dorm students is being sent asking them to leave campus by noon on Friday, March 27. He said wi-fi access is being redirected to the campus parking lots for students needing that although college buildings will be locked. He said there may be a few international students who have no place to go who will be allowed to stay in the Roughrider Village, and meal accommodations will be provided as needed. He said those leaving the dorms by the specified date will be refunded 35 percent on their room and board charges. Dr. Coltharp asked if there were any questions or discussion.
Mrs. Andris asked about plans for fall enrollment. Dr. Coltharp said recruiters have Jenzabar access from home, students can enroll online, and we will be contacting prospective students as much as possible through email and phone. He said spring marketing will continue, and we will be targeting non-traditional students who might consider returning to school. Mr. Wood said he hopes employees appreciate being paid during this time which may not take place at other businesses. Dr. Coltharp assured Mr. Wood that the employees do appreciate being paid and working from home for their safety. Discussion took place regarding how other local businesses and state government are handling this difficult situation. Dr. Coltharp said he does not believe the Board will need to meet weekly as had been discussed previously. He agreed to send updates to the Board as regularly as possible. Dr. Coltharp said we will need to decide in two weeks whether to bring staff back to campus or not, and we will hope for some guidance from state and national entities as time goes on.
Mr. Wood said we will plan to meet at the next regularly scheduled meeting which is set for Monday, April 27, at this location, and we will see how things are going at that time. The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
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