Monday, April 29, 2024

Joplin South Middle School students to compete in National History Day at University of Maryland

(From Joplin Schools)

Amazing results out of South Middle School over the weekend as 15 students attended the state competition for National History Day at Mizzou! Out of nine projects presented, two were ranked the top 6 in the state and one will be moving on to the national competition! 

Seventh grade team Colsen Harding, Dalton Gray and Jordan Mwangi received 1st place for their junior group website, "Enigma is Broken: Turning Point in World War II." They will represent Joplin at nationals this June at the University of Maryland College Park.
Sixth grader Eliza Kessler was a top six finalist for her individual website, "Louise Braille: Revolutionizing Lives for the Visually Impaired."

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