Thursday, March 5, 2020

Agenda posted for Joplin Parks and Recreation Board meeting

March 11, 2020 5 PM 
Joplin Athletic Complex 3301 W. 1st Street  

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Guest Presentations
A. Bob Headlee – presenting a new sculpture for Mercy Park
B. Daniel Hodson – Eagle Scout Project Proposal

4. Old Business
A. Memorial Hall & Ewert Pool Studies

5. New Business
A. New Parks Caretaker position being advertised for beautification
B. RFP for Landscape Maintenance Services being advertised
C. Motorized transportation on City Trails discussion
D. May the Forest Be with You event update
E. Ewert Park / Stormwater Project update
F. 4-State Truck Event

6. Monthly Reports
A. Golf Course Report
B. Recreation Report
C. Memorial Hall Report
D. Park Project Report

7. Other Business

8. Adjournment

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