Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Three-night regional hay production school scheduled in Lockwood

(From University of Missouri Extension)

“Southwest Missouri forage and livestock industry depends on proper hay production,” says Regional MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist Patrick Davis. Therefore, MU Extension will provide an educational opportunity to farmers on proper hay production and how to capture value on their investment.

MU Extension is collaborating with S&H Farm Supply, Heritage Tractor, and Crown Power and Equipment to provide a three-night regional hay school. The school will begin at 6:00 p. m. until 8:30 p. m. on the evenings of March 31st, April 2nd and 7th at the Immanuel Lutheran Church and School at 212 West 4th Street, Lockwood, Mo. 65682. MU Extension Agriculture Specialists will educate the public on topics that include:

· How and when to produce quality hay

· The economics of hay production

· The agronomic impact on the soil

· Cattle nutrition and hay feeding


The fee for the three-night school is $35 per person. To attend, register by contacting the Dade County MU Extension Center at (417) 637-2112 and mail fee to 2 North Main Street, Greenfield, Mo. 65661 by March 27th. In addition, you can register online at https://extension2.missouri.edu/events/regional-hay-school-lockwood-mo. by the deadline. A meal will be provided each evening thanks to our cooperating businesses.

For more information on the school, please contact the Dade County MU Extension Center or Patrick Davis at (417) 276-3313 or by email at davismp@missouri.edu. You may also find more information on how to improve your grasslands at https://extension2.missouri.edu/programs/nrcs-mu-grasslands-project.

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