Friday, September 12, 2014

Airport master plan can be viewed at open house

(From the City of Joplin)

The Joplin Regional Airport Board will host an "Open House" on Wednesday, September 17 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. for those interested viewing in the Master Plan study conducted by the Airport. The Open House will be held at the General Aviation Terminal located at 5501 N Dennis Weaver Drive at the Joplin Airport.

This will be a "come and go" type event with members of the Airport Board, Airport Staff, and the study planning engineer on hand to discuss or answer question concerning the study. This Master Plan Study was begun in the late fall of 2012.

The most recent Master Plan at the Joplin Regional Airport was completed in 2002. Since that time, a number of recommendations identified in the 2002 Master Plan have been implemented by the Airport including, construction of a new Air Traffic Control Tower and new passenger Terminal Building along with expanded General Aviation Facilities.

Recent attention by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to pavement geometry configuration has made the Airport a focus of Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT) improvements due to the potential for runway incursions at the 3-node intersection of Runway 18/36, Runway 5/23, and Taxiway B. In addition to the need for a pavement geometry assessment, recent success the Airport has had in developing branded passenger service to a major connecting hub has driven the need to take a renewed look at the overall facilities and develop a new set of guiding principles that will shape the way the Airport interacts over the next 20-years with the community it serves. This will include the development of an eALP that utilizes Airports GIS (AGIS) data in compliance with FAA requirements. Along with this data collection effort, several additional items will be accomplished during the project to assist the Airport in identifying and planning for long-term facility needs including:
Master Plan, Economic Impact Study, Minimum Standards, Wildlife Hazard Assessment, Passenger Facility Charge Update, Pavement Management Plan, Airport Boundary Survey.

Funding for this study was provided by the FAA. Total project costs were $1,103,000 with the Federal share of $1,028,470. The COJ share of the project was $74,530.

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