Monday, March 19, 2018

New storm notification system being implemented in Carl Junction

(From the Carl Junction Police Department)

With storm season almost here we wanted to let everyone know about the notification system that we are implementing for the citizens of the city. 

This notification system allows anyone to subscribe to receive emergency alerts that come directly from our dispatchers. 

These alerts not only advise of weather warnings but will also include accident locations (areas to avoid), amber alerts, missing persons, etc. These alerts can be received via text message or email, whichever you prefer. 

This is a good option for friends or family without Facebook or other social media. As soon as the system is ready to go we will post instructions on here and with other outlets on how to sign up.

Anyone, regardless of where you live, will be able to sign up for alerts from our city if you choose to do so!

1 comment:

  1. the service as described will be a great tool. Being well informed can save time and lives. Informed citizens can be of assistance to city officials or avoid areas where our presence adds to the confusion. Good planning CJ
