Saturday, March 11, 2023

Jasper County Commission March 7 minutes

Jasper County Commission March 7 minutes

The General Session for the Jasper County Commission was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on March 7, 2023, in room 101 of the Jasper County Courthouse by Presiding Commissioner John Bartosh. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Jasper County Sheriff Randee Kaiser followed by the pledge of allegiance. 

Roll Call: Presiding Commissioner John Bartosh, Commissioner Darieus K. Adams, and Commissioner Tom Flanigan were present. 

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Adams made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 28, 2023, General Session. Commissioner Flanigan seconded the motion. By unanimous vote, the minutes were approved.

Officials/Citizen Request: Commissioner Adams made a motion to surplus the Copy Star copier SN#AKV3014423 in the Records Center that is nonfunctioning and too old to repair. Commissioner Flanigan seconded the motion. By unanimous vote, the motion passes. 

Unfinished Business: Commissioner Adams made a motion to award the bid for culvert material for the Jasper County Highway Department to the low bidder, VieBrock Sales and Service, LLC. Commissioner Flanigan seconded the motion. By unanimous vote, the motion passes. 

New Business: Commissioner Adams made a motion to adopt the resolution recognizing March 5 through March 11 as “Thank a Farmer Week.” Commissioner Flanigan seconded the motion. By unanimous vote, the motion passes.

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