Monday, September 8, 2014

Mother of dead Joplin Honky: I have no malice toward those who disposed of his body

The story of the man and woman who were high on meth and posed for selfies with a dead friend has gone viral since the probable cause affidavit, which had appeared a week earlier on Inside Joplin, appeared on the Smoking Gun website and then was picked up by the Huffington Post.

The Newton County Sheriff's Department is awaiting toxicology reports to determine the cause of Nathan Meyer's death, though it appears to be from a drug overdose.

Chelsie Berry and Jared Prier are being held on $50,000 bond on charges of improper disposal of a corpse. They are charged with dumping Meyer's body in a driveway near Diamond. Other charges made be filed once the toxicology report is received.

Both Prier and Meier were members of the Joplin Honkies,a group that Newton and Jasper County authorities have clamed is responsible for a number of burglaries and other crimes over the past decade.

In the comments section of the Huffington Post article, the dead man's mother, Debbie Meyer offered her thoughts on the treatment of her son:

I am the mother of the man who died. That McDonald's is just blocks from my house. They had his cell phone, and my number is in there under "Mom". I would have appreciated an anonymous call so I could help my son. Two days before, he said he was planning to go to rehab. I wish he had had the chance, especially since he had a son. I don't have any malice toward those who brought harm to my son by hiding him from those who were willing to help him. I want them to be treated fairly. I also hope this somehow changes their lives for the better. As for my son, there is evidence that he was trying to surrender his life to God. I believe this was the act of a loving and merciful God. I leave justice in His hands. He cares about all who were involved.

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