Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Construction of Route D bridge near Oronogo delayed

(From MODOT)

Winter Weather, Construction Delays Postpone Completion
Of New Jasper County Route D Bridge Near Oronogo

Continued weather and construction issues have delayed completion of a project to replace the Route D bridge over Center Creek south of Oronogo, the Missouri Department of Transportation said.

The contractor, Hartman & Company of Springfield, now estimates completion of the project will be after the first of the new year. The original completion date and opening of the bridge was September 1, 2019.

Work was temporarily suspended earlier this year due to flooding at Center Creek and subsurface issues at the construction site that resulted in a redesign of the bridge footings.

Contractor crews are replacing the old bridge with a new structure, which will be 12 feet higher, 18 feet wider with no overhead truss.

Weather and/or construction delays could further alter the work schedule.

Traffic Impact During Construction:

-Route D CLOSED at the bridge during construction

-Drivers will have access to property at either end of the bridge, but will not be allowed to drive through the work zone

-A signed detour is in place during the project. Traffic will use Route 171, Route 43 and Route 96

The original Center Creek bridge was built in 1935 and was experiencing severe deterioration. Nearly 6,000 vehicles a day crossed the bridge.

Project Background:

Prime Contractor: Hartman & Company, Springfield
Completion Date: Early 2020
Total project cost: $3 million

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