Thursday, February 8, 2024

Bright Futures Milk Money campaign topic for next Newsmakers

(From KGCS)

Virginia Woolf wrote, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” That quote from Woolf resonates loudly when you consider children in the classroom. 

According to Feeding America, one in five children experiences hunger. In Joplin, more than 60% of the 7,500 students in the school district live in poverty. Bright Futures Joplin works to provide food for students when they are not in school through its Snack Pack program. On Newsmakers next week, Amanda Stone, coordinator of the charity, explains a call for donations to fund shelf stable milk for the snack packs through the Milk Money Campaign.

We also here from a volunteer involved with packing the hundreds of bags of shelf stable foods students get each week. Bright Futures Joplin Board President Larry Warren and Vice President John Boyd explain how site councils and community partners support schools, along with individuals, through programs like Lunch Pals.

Newsmakers is airing nightly at 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. the week of February 11 on KGCS-TV and will air at 5:30 a.m. Saturday, February 17 on KOAM-TV. It is also posted on the station’s YouTube channel: KGCS - Missouri Southern State University.

KGCS programming can be seen on channel 21 and is also available on regional cable television systems such as Sparklight, Mediacom and Suddenlink Communications. The station operates as a service of the Department of Communications at Missouri Southern State University.

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