Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Agenda posted for Crowder College Board of Trustees meeting


Neosho Campus Thursday, June 20, 2024 Call to Order at 10:00 a.m.


I.          Call to order

A.     Welcome guests

II.        Consent Agenda (Board Action)

  1. Minutes from previous meetings
  2. Approval of checks written for previous month
  3. Budget – Second Reading
  4. Compensation Policy and Procedures – Second Reading
  5. IRB Policy – Second Reading
  6. Employee Tuition Waiver Policy – Second Reading

III. Personnel (Board Action)

A.     Retirements and Resignations

B.      Changes of Status

  1. Employments

V. Academic Programs (Board Action)

  1. Addition of Programs
  1. Modification of Programs
  1. Deletion of Programs

VI. Budget and Finances        

A.     Grants (Informational)

B.       Contract and Purchase Approval (Anything over $10,000) BOARD ACTION

    1. Project Description: Charter Buses for Talent Search
    2. Project Description: Three-year agreement with Lightcast Career Coach
    3. Project Description: Clothing and gear for resale through the bookstore 24-25AY.
    4. Project Description: New textbooks for  24-25AY.
    5. Project Description: Math learning software for 24-25AY.
    6. Project Description: Access to electronic coding for nursing students.
    7. Project Description: Avanan licensing subscription for malware protection

h.       Project Description: Construction services

    1. Project Description: Interior remodeling of dorms at the Brown residence halls.
    2. Project Description: Partial payment (40%) of construction cost for Joplin
    3. Project Description: Canvas LMS 3-year contract renewal
    4. Project Description: Turinitin plagiarism software licensing.
    5. Project Description: Hotel rooms for the baseball team at the JUCO World Series.
    6. Project Description: Travel bus for the Baseball team to go to the World Series
    7. Project Description: Custom textbooks for various courses.
  1. Contract and Purchase Information ($5,000-$9,999)
    1. Project Description: Classlink and OneSync service licensing
    2. Project Description: Hotel rooms for South Central District Championship game
    3. Project Description: 40 seats of AEL career training modules for students.
    4. Project Description: High School Equivalency Program classroom space rent
    5. Project Description: Catering for an Upward Bound Banquet
    6. Project Description: Replacement beds, mattresses, and dressers for Brown
    7. Project Description: AEL additional order of 10 laptops.
    8. Project Description: AEL additional order of 15 iPads
    9. Project Description: Wearable simulation equipment for nursing students
    10. Project Description: Payment for business risk assessment of Bookstore and Farm
    11. Project Description: Payment for HLC comprehensive visit.

VII.     Special Presentations (Informational)

  1. Overload and Special Service Contract Policy – First Reading
  2. Situational Remote Work Policy – First Reading

VIII.    President’s Report (Informational)

IX.   Trustees’ Comments and Announcements (Informational)

X.        New Business (Informational)

XI.       Executive Session

  1. Following the regular meeting, upon motion and roll call vote of the Board, the Board will move to a closed session to discuss personnel and real estate pursuant to Section 610.021 RSMo.  

XII. Adjournment

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