Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Minutes provided for Crowder College Board of Trustees meeting



January 24, 2022

There being a quorum present, the meeting of the Crowder College Board of Trustees of the Community College District of Newton-McDonald Counties, Missouri, was called to order by Board Chair, Mr. Andy Wood, at 10:01a.m. on Monday, 1/24/2022, in the Farber building on the Neosho Campus.

Members present for the meeting were:

                Andy Wood, Chair

                Diane Andris, Member

                Vickie Barnes, Treasurer

                Rick Butler, Vice Chair

                Al Chapman, Secretary

                Larry Vancuren, Member

Also attending the meeting were:

                Katricia Pierson, President

                Elizabeth Armstrong, Administrative Assistant to the President

                Adam Morris, Vice President of Academic Affairs

                Mickie Mahan, Vice President of Finance

Tiffany Slinkard, Vice President of Student Affairs

Jamie Ward, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs

                Phillip Witt, Associate Vice President of Career and Technical Education

                Cindy Brown, Director of Public Information       

Melissa Smith, Director Joplin ATTC/TDS

                Aaron Divine, McDonald County Campus Director

Mark Fitch, Director Webb City Campus

Monte Padgett, Director Nevada Campus

                Chett Daniel, Director of Institutional Research and Innovation

                Joseph Brenner, Associate Vice President of Finance

TJ Angel, Director Physical Plant

Cassie Hale, Director Human Resources

Ike Isenhower, EMS Instructor/ Division Chair

Eric Deatherage, Head Librarian

Jim Cullumber, Director of Foundation

Kathy Collier, Grants Director

Matt Wallace, KPM Auditor

A few moments of silence were observed to prepare for the meeting.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes of the December 6, regular meeting, and the November 29, 30, and December 1, 2, 8, and 13 special meetings were approved as written and previously distributed.

Financial Reports

Mr. Wood noted the monthly cash flow statement. Dr. Pierson reviewed the checks written, selecting various checks on each page to point out. She responded to additional questions from Board members as needed. Checks in the amount of $2,158,584.94 were approved ON MOTION by Mr. Butler, seconded by Mr. VanCuren, and unanimously carried. The rest of the current fund balances and agency accounts were reviewed.


Dr. Pierson recommended approval of the following personnel changes: Employment of Scott Cianci, Construction Technology Instructor, Jason Bond, Women’s Head Soccer Coach, Klaire Osmun, Nursing Instructor, Jake Holt, PT Men/Women’s Cross-Country Coach, and Leandra Toomoth, Instructional Designer. A MOTION to approve all employment was made by Mr. Vancuren, seconded by Mrs. Barnes, and unanimously carried.

Dr. Pierson recommended approval of the following personnel changes: Resignation of Rachel Sanders, Office Assistant- CTEC, Madison Mayes, Information Desk Assistant, Alexis Isbell, Part-Time Custodian Cassville, Jasmine Fuller, CAMP/HEP Office Manager, and retirement of Connie Patton, Educational Access Advisor. A MOTION to approve the retirement of Connie Patton with thanks for her service was made by Mrs. Andris, seconded by Dr. Chapman, and unanimously carried. A MOTION to approve all resignations with thanks for their service was made by Dr. Chapman, seconded by Mrs. Andris, and unanimously carried.


Annual Audit Report

Matt Wallace from KPM CPAs reviewed the June 30, 2021, fiscal year audit. Mr. Wallace pointed out the Independent Auditors’ Report which included an “unmodified opinion” that is free from material weaknesses, which is the best opinion possible. Mr. Wallace gave a summary of the audit of Crowder College, the Foundation, and the Facilities Corporation including a brief review of the financial statements. Mr. Wallace also provided an overview of the “agreed upon procedures” letter provided this year. A motion to accept the audit report was made by Mrs. Andris, seconded by Mr. Butler, and unanimously carried.


Room and Board

Mark Aubuchon presented on the Room and Board for the 22-23 Fiscal Year. Housing is proposing a six percent increase for single occupancy, and double occupancy rooms in Roughrider Village. They are also proposing a six percent increase at Brown. The 2022-2023 increase for the meal plan rates will be a 6% increase. The occupancy for the Dorms and the Apartments has not been affected by rate increases within the previous years. The second reading of Room and Board will take place at the next board meeting, February 28th.


Paramedic & EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)

Ike Isenhower presented a review of the EMT and Paramedic programs including the addition of a new full-time instructor in 2021, and the loss of 2 adjunct instructors. Mr. Isenhower explained the difference between students in these programs who seek certificates and those who pursue AAS completion, as well as EMT and RN to Paramedic courses which obtain licensure but do not have a certificate tied to them. The EMS program has seen a great increase in enrollment in the EMT, RN, and Paramedic, programs in part due to the new allowance for students to complete clinicals in their local area. Over the past three years we have maintained a first-time pass rate for paramedic students over 90%. The EMT program first time pass rate has increased steadily with last year showing a 95% pass rate. The program has included a new online program to fulfill the need of EMT education in Central Missouri. A new community paramedic program is in the works; we are waiting on insurance to develop a system for managing the community paramedic program. Our area currently pays approximately $28,000 for EMTs (Emergency Medical Technician) and Paramedics. 23% of EMTs and Paramedics nationally have a completed AAS. Thanks to Dr. Witt and several grants we were able to obtain an ambulance simulator for the program. We are also one of the few programs in the country which has a cadaver lab for students to learn with.

President’s Update

Dr. Pierson expressed her appreciation for the work she has witnessed within her first 16 days (about 2 and a half weeks) here at Crowder. She highlighted Helen Hale, Jared Brown, JP Dickey, and Joe Brenner for their challenging work on identifying and assisting students who owe a balance from the previous semester. She also mentioned Jared Brown’s excellent work in flagging and setting up a system for identifying fraudulent FAFSA applications. She mentioned Dr. Chett Daniel’s work which identified students who have withdrawn from Crowder without enrolling into another institution as a further recruitment and retention initiative. Dr. Pierson described her involvement in Neosho leadership as extensive, inclusive, and refreshing. She described her involvement with MCCA and community/area legislators. She provided an overview of the apprenticeship summit which hosted about 45 community members; we were able to highlight our truck driving certificate earners. The higher learning commission approved the certified medical assistant program to be reduced to 16 hours via desk review.


With no further agenda items, Mr. Wood called for a motion to go into closed session. At 12:01 pm, the regular meeting adjourned and a MOTION to go into closed session in accordance with RSMo 610.021 to discuss personnel matters was made by Al Chapman, seconded by Rick Butler, and passed unanimously on the following roll call vote:

                Andris:  Yes                         Wood:                  Yes                         Vancuren:           Yes

                Butler:                   Yes                         Barnes: Yes                         Chapman:           Yes


Discussion- Closed Meeting

Discussion took place about personnel matters; Board action was taken. A MOTION to move to open session was made by Larry Vancuren, seconded by Diane Andris, and unanimously carried on the following vote:

Andris:  Yes                         Wood:                  Yes                         Vancuren:           Yes

Butler:                   Yes                         Barnes: Yes                         Chapman:           Yes



A motion to approve the employment contract with Dr. Pierson, President was made by Larry Vancuren, seconded by Rick Butler, and unanimously carried on the following roll call vote:

                Chapman:           Yes                         Barnes: Yes                         Butler:                   Yes

                Vancuren:           Yes                         Wood:                  Yes                         Andris:  Yes

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