Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Comment period for Joplin transportation work program begins Wednesday

(From the City of Joplin)

The Joplin Area Transportation Study Organization (JATSO) is seeking a seven-day public comment period for the Fiscal Year 2019 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and for the second amendment to the 2018 through 2021 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). The public comment period runs from 8 a.m., September 12 through 5 p.m., September 19.

Copies of the proposed TIP Amendment and the UPWP may be obtained at: Joplin City Hall, 4th floor, 602 S. Main St.; City Hall in Webb City, 200 S. Main St.; or Carl Junction City Hall, 303 N. Main Street. The proposed TIP Amendment and the UPWP can also be viewed on the JATSO website at https://www.joplinmo.org/738/JATSO.

All comments must be received by 5 p.m., Tuesday, September 19, 2018. Comments may be submitted to Edward Whitmore, Joplin City Hall, 602 S. Main St. Joplin, MO 64801 or via telephone at 417-624-0820, ext. 511. Faxed comments should be directed to Whitmore at 417-625-4738 and emails sent to ewhitmor@joplinmo.org .

Comments for any portion of the UPWP or the TIP Amendment may be submitted for consideration. JATSO is the transportation planning agency for the Joplin metropolitan area, as designated by the federal government, and its goal is to provide for regional mobility. The UPWP is a document that designates Federal funds for JATSO Planning activities in the upcoming fiscal year.

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