Thursday, September 28, 2023

Duenweg Police Department adding K9 unit

(From the Duenweg Police Department)

We're thrilled to introduce Zeke, our 1 and 1/2 year old Belgian Malinois, who has been handpicked to pioneer the K9 Unit for the Duenweg Police Department. As our city continues to thrive and expand, our unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of every resident has led us to this monumental initiative.

The K9 Unit, with Zeke at the forefront, promises to enhance our capacity to maintain safe streets and foster community trust. This is not just a leap forward for our department, but a moment of pride for our entire community. We hope each and every one of you will embrace Zeke with the warmth and enthusiasm he deserves.

As they embark on this journey together, Zeke and his dedicated human partner, Sgt. Dalglish, will be undergoing an intensive 6-week training program. Their focus? To fortify their bond and sharpen their collaborative skills. 

It's worth noting that Zeke, with his prior training, might have a playful advantage over Sgt. Dalglish at the moment. But together, they're gearing up to be an unbeatable duo.

We're excited about this new chapter and deeply grateful for your support. Here's to safer streets and the start of an incredible partnership.

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