Friday, October 14, 2022

Police department warns of drug house/criminal hangout southwest of Jasper

(From the Jasper Police Department)

Heads up Jasper area… There are two houses (same owner) next to each other on Sumac southwest of Jasper that have become a “BAD GUY HANGOUT” where several area criminals visit and reside. 

Thefts, drugs, assaults and other crimes are what the folks there prefer to engage in. There have been reported thefts in that area and stolen property found at the residences.

We have made it known to those folks they’re not welcome in Jasper city.

Please be on the lookout for suspicious persons as well as make sure to keep your valuables secure, the list of folks we have who live and frequent out there is a who’s who of criminals from cities in the area.
Any information, please contact Chief Chad Karr @ 417-483-6261

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