Monday, August 26, 2024

Minutes of August 19 Crowder College Board of Trustees meeting




August 19, 2024



A public hearing on the property tax levies proposed to be set for Crowder College for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, was held on Monday, August 19, 2024, in the Wright Conference Center of Farber Hall on the Neosho campus. There being a quorum present, Board Chair Mr. Andy Wood called the hearing to order at 10:20 a.m.


Members present at the meeting were:

Andy Wood, Chair

Diane Andris, Vice-Chair

Vickie Barnes, Treasurer

Don McBride, Member


Also attending the meeting were:

Katricia Pierson, President

Elizabeth Armstrong, Executive Assistant to the President

Chett Daniel, Associate Vice President of Career and Technical Education

Josh Carter, Secondary CTE Director

Ed Barlow, Director of Workforce Training and Development Solutions

Joani Zibert, Grants Director

Tiffany Slinkard, Vice President of Student Affairs

Wade Williams, Institutional Advancement Director

Jared Brown, Associate Vice President of Finance

Joseph Brenner, Vice President of Finance

Cassie Hale, Human Resources Director

Steven Wolven, Allied Health Director

Paul Schlag, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs

Jon Paul, Physical Plant Director

Cindy Brown, Public Information Director

Denna Clymer, Social Sciences Division Chair

Jamie Ward, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs

Stephanie Witcher, Communications Division Chair

Jessica Struckhoff, Paragon Architecture

Elizabeth Stinnett, Paragon Architecture

Ciara Montez, Paragon Architecture

Chris McKinzy, Paragon Architecture


A few moments of silence were observed to prepare for the meeting.

Mr Wood noted appropriate legal notice has been given for this annual public hearing to set the proposed property tax levy rate for Crowder College. The tax levy rate is set in accordance with state law to produce the revenues for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, as set by the State Auditor’s Office. It is the maximum ceiling level from rates provided by the County Assessors’ offices. The proposed tax rate is 43 cents per $100 assessed valuation, which has been the same for the past several years and is estimated to provide revenues of approximately $4.9M. Mr. Wood asked if any citizen present wished to be heard by the Board regarding the tax levy rate. There being no one to speak, he called for a motion. A MOTION to approve the 43 cent tax levy rate per $100 assessed valuation was made by Ms. Barnes, seconded by Mr. McBride, and unanimously carried.

With no further business, Mr. Wood declared the public tax levy hearing adjourned at 10:21 am, and it was immediately followed by the regular Board of Trustees meeting.





There being a quorum present, the meeting of the Crowder College Board of Trustees of the Community College District of Newton-McDonald Counties, Missouri, was called to order by Board Chair, Mr. Andy Wood, at 10:03 a.m. on Monday, 8/19/2024. Members present at the meeting were:

            Andy Wood, Chair

Diane Andris, Vice-Chair

Vickie Barnes, Treasurer

Don McBride, Member

Also attending the meeting were:

Katricia Pierson, President
Elizabeth Armstrong, Executive Assistant to the President
Chett Daniel, Associate Vice President of Career and Technical Education
Josh Carter, Secondary CTE Director
Ed Barlow, Director of Workforce Training and Development Solutions
Joani Zibert, Grants Director
Tiffany Slinkard, Vice President of Student Affairs
Wade Williams, Institutional Advancement Director
Jared Brown, Associate Vice President of Finance
Joseph Brenner, Vice President of Finance
Cassie Hale, Human Resources Director
Steven Wolven, Allied Health Director
Paul Schlag, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
Jon Paul, Physical Plant Director
Cindy Brown, Public Information Director
Denna Clymer, Social Sciences Division Chair
Jamie Ward, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs
Stephanie Witcher, Communications Division Chair
Jessica Struckhoff, Paragon Architecture
Elizabeth Stinnett, Paragon Architecture
Ciara Montez, Paragon Architecture
Chris McKinzy, Paragon Architecture

A few moments of silence were observed to prepare for the meeting.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes of the July 22 regular meeting were approved as written and previously distributed.

Financial Reports

Mr. Wood noted the monthly cash flow statement for July 2024. Dr. Pierson responded to additional questions from Board members as needed. Checks in the amount of $2,230,299.67 were reviewed. The rest of the current fund balances and agency accounts were reviewed. Discussion took place regarding the need for consistency in our policy and procedures for agency fund expenditures.

Conflict of Interest Resolution

Mr. Wood and Ms. Andris signed an ordinance of Newton and McDonald County, Missouri to establish a procedure to disclose potential conflicts of interest and substantial interests for certain officials.

A MOTION to approve the consent agenda was made by Ms. Barnes, seconded by Ms. Andris, and unanimously carried.


Dr. Pierson recommended approval of the following personnel changes:

Resignation of Marilyn Marroquin, Evening Custodian, Steven Dayton, Evening Custodian, Chase Burgess, Digital Media Coordinator, Jenny Perrodin, Office Manager, Joshua Barnes, Head Softball Coach, Jayme Sigars, Half-Time Student Services Coordinator Webb City.

Change of status of Staci Garvin from Farm Operations Manager to Agriculture Instructor and Dana Cobb from Secondary Teacher Education Instructor to Assistant Director of CTE.

Employment of Dalton Schlichting, Part-Time Evening Receptionist/Secretary, Chris Clouse, Groundskeeper/Maintenance Mechanic, Abigail Beaver, Part-Time Campus Security, Barbara Tuttle, Part-Time Information Desk Assistant, Rian Hassett, Part-Time Business Division Administrative Assistant, Stephen Markovich, Maintenance Mechanic, Justin Pippin, Maintenance Mechanic, Lindsey Hubbard, Nursing Instructor, Jeff Marrs, Half-Time Advanced Manufacturing Technology Instructor, Wyatt Varner, Part-Time Campus Security Officer, Ed Barlow, Director of Workplace Training and Development Solutions, Michael Anders, Secondary Diesel Technology Instructor, Robin Philipp, Engineering Technology Instructor, Jennifer Yeargain, Nursing Instructor, Taniya Corley, Interim Assistant Basketball Coach, Drew Osborne, Head Softball Coach.

A MOTION to approve all personnel changes was made by Ms. Andris, seconded by Ms. Barnes, and unanimously carried.

Academic Programs Update

The board reviewed requests to expand the Practical Nursing program to McDonald County and to add a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) certificate.

A MOTION to approve all program changes was made by Ms. Barnes, seconded by Mr. McBride, and unanimously carried.

Budgets and Finances

The Board reviewed information or preliminary grant applications, including the Strengthening Community Colleges grant for funding and expansion needs, newly submitted grants, newly funded grants, and grants continuing this fiscal year. The board was asked to vote on contract and purchase requests for annual MCCA dues, legal fees for the fiscal year, construction documentation cost, Fortinet firewall, MoreNet internet, monthly building pest control, grounds maintenance, PowerFAIDS licenses, Kaplan electronic resources, Kubota side-by-side, and Cyber Insurance. A MOTION to approve all contracts and purchases as requested was made by Ms. Andris, seconded by Mr. McBride, and unanimously carried.

The board was then asked to review information regarding purchases of Hudl camera subscription, Computer monitors, dorm cleaning services, and cadaver lab.

Facilities Master Plan Introduction

Crowder’s facilities master plan team from Paragon Architecture provided an overview of the planning process including work already underway and work scheduled to take place this fall.

Turnover Report

Dr. Pierson stated that we provided a comparison of our internal turnover data with the College and University Professional Association (CUPA) as our industry standard. Dr. Pierson stated that our faculty turnover data is being compared to CUPA non-tenured faculty turnover data. She also stated that CUPA classifies exempt and non-exempt staff differently than Crowder does internally, causing the data to not be a direct comparison. Dr. Pierson stated that in 2022 nearly one-third of the professional staff turnover reflected Maddox Hill position resignations which led to the hire of a Human Resources position for Maddox Hill and the creation of policy for Maddox Hill employees. Dr. Pierson stated we also looked at Gallup for insight into workforce trends. Discussion took place regarding turnover in leadership, pay, valuing employees, educational attainment, COVID, ransomware, generational values, and workload.

Internal Hire Board Policy – First Reading

Dr. Pierson stated that the policy is standard and indicates to existing employees that we value them. Ms. Barnes stated that this policy brings us closer to our servant leadership standard, would help prepare for succession planning, and can positively impact the college’s budget planning. With no objection, Mr. Wood called for the policy to move forward for second reading at the September Board meeting.

Grants Policies and Procedures Manual

Dr. Pierson stated the manual went through our internal policy change process and would guide consistent processes for all College grants.

President’s Update

Dr. Pierson praised Dr. Schlag and Ms. Lawson for an excellent new faculty orientation.

She also briefly discussed the recent state of the college address and praised housing for facilitating a Friday move in so students and families could visit offices on campus.

Finally, Dr. Pierson stated she attended the recent KCU white coat ceremony. Two Crowder alumni were inducted into the first KCU class of dental students and are now second year students.

Trustees’ Comments and Announcements

Mr. Wood stated that Mr. Vancuren has suffered a medical incident and asked for prayers for Mr. Vancuren and his family as they navigate his recovery.

New Business

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