Friday, November 4, 2022

City of Joplin celebrates public servants Lawrence McKeough and Keith Stammer on their retirements

(From the City of Joplin)

Retirement looks good on these guys! This week the City of Joplin celebrated two great men as they retired from their emergency management roles where they provided their expertise, support and knowledge to keep our community safe.
Lawrence McKeough “Mac” (left) worked at the City for 20 years as the Public Health Preparedness Regional Response Planner for the Joplin Health Department as well as the Jasper County Health Department, and Keith Stammer (right) served 17 years as the Emergency Management Coordinator for Joplin and Jasper County.

Thank you both for your service and fortitude during these past years. 

Throughout your careers, you helped us with planning and preparation and guided us through several disasters, including the 2007 and 2008 ice storms, several flooding events, and of course the May 22, 2011 tornado. Good luck and enjoy this next phase of life. We’ll miss you! City of Joplin Health Department Joplin Fire Department

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