Monday, July 17, 2023

Agenda posted for Crowder College Board of Trustees meeting


Neosho Campus – Wright Conference Room

Monday, July 24 2023 Call to Order at 10:00 a.m.


I.            Call to order

A.    Welcome guests

II.          Consent Agenda (Board Action)

  1. Minutes from previous meetings
  2. Approval of checks written for previous month
  3. Conflict of Interest Resolution
  4. Facilities Corporation Directors Approval

III. Personnel (Board Action)

A.    Retirements and Resignations

B.    Changes of Status

C. Employments

IV. Academic Programs (Board Action)

  1. Addition of Programs
  1. Modification of Programs
  1. Deletion of Programs

V.          Budget and Finances

A.    Grants (Informational)

    1. Newly funded grants
    2. Continuation of grants

B.    Contract and Purchase Approval (Anything over $10,000) BOARD ACTION

    1. Project Description: Money for meals for Upward Bound Cultural trip
    2. Project Description: Flightpath Agency enrollment advertising
    3. Project Description: Xerox contract
    4. Project Description: MCCA Annual Dues
    5. Project Description: Executive coaching program.
    6. Project Description: Year 2 payment of contract with SoftDocs
    7. Project Description: Year 4 payment of 6-year contract with Jenzabar
    8. Project Description: Adobe Creative Cloud 1-year subscription
    9. Project Description: Replacement van for transport training.
    10. Project Description: Fall, Spring, and Summer books for the bookstore.
  1. Contract and Purchase Information ($5,000-$9,999)
    1. Project Description: Money for meals for Upward Bound Bridge trip
    2. Project Description: Digital billboards (2) in Neosho
    3. Project Description: Series 2020 principal payment and Series 2016 bond interest.
    4. Project Description: HLC annual dues.
    5. Project Description: ExamSoft testing resources under contract.

VI.        Special Presentations (Informational)

  1. Information Services Presentation

VII.      President’s Report (Informational)

VIII.   Trustees’ Comments and Announcements (Informational)

IX.       New Business (Informational)

X.         Executive Session

  1. Following the regular meeting, the Board will move to a closed session to discuss personnel and legal actions in accordance with Section 610.021 RSMo.  

XI. Adjournment

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