Thursday, July 6, 2023

Facebook post helps Goodman Police identify shoplifter, recover whiskey

A Goodman Police Department Facebook post brought results as several photos of a suspected shoplifter not only identified the shoplifter but resulted in the return of the stolen whiskey. That did not keep the man from being cited for shoplifting, however.

The results were noted in a second Facebook post, reprinted below:

Thanks to the community of Goodman. We were able to identify the shoplifter as Richard Andrews.

Mr. Andrews brought the bottle of whisky back and apologized for stealing it. However, he was still cited for shoplifting.

If Mr. Andrews would not have met us at Mini Mart to return the bottle, Officers would have shown up at his house and he would have been in handcuffs.

Because Mr. Andrews ended up doing the right thing by returning the bottle and apologizing, Mini Mart managers did not trespass him.

There are still consequences for people's actions and Mr. Andrews will have a court date.

“We cannot fix the past, but you can rewrite your future.”

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