Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Jasper County Sheriff's Office warns of scam

(From the Jasper County Sheriff's Office)

Apparently, it is Jasper County's turn for the telephone scams again.
We have received several reports of individuals calling and claiming to be a Jasper County Deputy that is trying to keep you from going to jail. They claim all you have to do is go and buy some gift cards, give them the numbers off those cards to take care of warrants or charges. They will try to convince you there is no other option to keep you our of jail.

WE WILL NEVER CALL YOU AND TELL YOU THAT WE WILL COME ARREST YOU IF YOU DO NOT SEND MONEY! We would just come get you and let you work it out with your bondsman. IT IS A SCAM!
Even if they sound really convincing; get their alleged information THEN look up the telephone number for the Jasper County Sheriff/s Office yourself and call that number for verification of who they claim to be.

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