Saturday, November 4, 2023

Jasper County Commission October 31 minutes

The General Session for the Jasper County Commission was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on October 31, 2023, in room 101 of the Jasper County Courthouse by Presiding Commissioner John Bartosh. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Jasper County Sheriff Randee Kaiser followed by the pledge of allegiance. 

Roll Call: Presiding Commissioner John Bartosh, Commissioner Darieus K. Adams, and Commissioner Tom Flanigan were present. 

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Adams made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 24, 2023, General Session. Commissioner Flanigan seconded the motion. By unanimous vote, the minutes were approved. 

Presentations: Jasper County Clerk Charlie Davis presented Form 1309 and 1310 for the Commissioners acceptance. The forms are the final assessed valuations for the county and the tax dollars to be collected. Commissioner Adams made a motion to accept the reports. Commissioner Flanigan seconded the motion. By unanimous vote, the motion passes. 

New Business: Commissioner Adams made a motion to approve the agreement with the city of Joplin for the 20th Street Improvement Project. Commissioner Flanigan seconded the motion. By unanimous vote, the motion passes. Commissioner Adams made a motion to replace the HVAC unit at the Sheriff’s department on an emergency basis. Commissioner Flanigan seconded the motion. By unanimous vote, the motion passes. 

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