Tuesday, May 28, 2024

MSSU Choral Society summer session to begin

 (From MSSU Choral Society)

The special summer session of the well-known area-wide mixed community chorus, the MSSU Choral Society, begins Monday, June 3, 7 pm to 9 pm. in room 208 of the Music Building at MSSU.

There are no auditions, and all singers are welcome. Prior experience in a choir in the past is helpful, but not required. The class fee is $30 and covers the music, 8 weeks of rehearsal and the performance. Interested singers may attend the first few weeks free.

The choir will prepare for a special late July concert with a selection of engaging and fun-to-sing music.

Kaden Propps will lead the chorus in this summer session. Propps is choir director at First Community Church and music teacher.

For further information, contact Wally Bloss at WBloss@GMail.com or 417-386-3996.


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