Saturday, April 21, 2018

Minutes provided for Lamar City Council meeting

APRIL 16, 2018 6:00 p.m.

The council met in regular session. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Harris. Members held a moment of silent prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. On roll call, the following members answered present: Bill Talbott, Harold VanDeMark, Judd Chesnut, Steve Gilkey, Brian Griffith, Mike Hull, Rick Kaderly and Max Simmons. Also attending, Bev Baker – City Clerk, Police Chief – Rusty Rives, Fire Chief – Larry Beatty, City Attorneys – Steven Kaderly and Belinda Kaderly.

Alderman Gilkey made the motion to approve the minutes of the March 19, 2018 Regular Session City Council meeting. Alderman Chesnut seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes.

Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Harold VanDeMark for twenty-four years of service and Rick Kaderly for two and half years of service as Alderman.

Max Simmons, Chairman of the Administrative Committee discussed health insurance rates. The new rates have less than one percent increase to the City with minimal changes for the employees. Alderman Hull made the motion to accept the insurance proposal. Alderman Talbott seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes.

Alderman Simmons also requested a onetime payment of $1,500.00 for Interim City Administrator, Rusty Rives and City Clerk Bev Baker since they have gone above and beyond in the absence of a City Administrator. Alderman Chesnut made the motion to authorize the payment. Alderman Griffith seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes.

 Alderman Chesnut discussed the Planning and Zoning hearing held on April 9, 2018. The request to rezone the old Barton County Hospital from R-1 to R-3 failed. Members reviewed the list of bills. Alderman Simmons made the motion to pay the bills. Alderman VanDeMark seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes.

Mayor Harris read the Treasurer’s Report for March 2018. Alderman VanDeMark made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Alderman Hull seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes.

The Municipal Court Report was presented for the month of March 2018. The outstanding balance is $132,432.45. Alderman Simmons made the motion to approve the report. Alderman Hull seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes.

Next, Alderman Hull made the motion to approve the April 3, 2018 election results. Alderman Talbott seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes.

Also, there was a discussion of adding the Use Tax request to the August or November election. Mayor Harris requested the City Attorney prepare the appropriate documents to vote on at the next Council meeting. City Clerk Bev Baker requested a budget adjustment for tuck pointing at Memorial Hall. $26,500 was the initial approved request. Ms. Baker requested an increase of $2,274 for a total of $28,774 and adjust the budget. Alderman Simmons made the motion to approve the request. Alderman Chesnut seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes.

Interim City Administrator Rusty Rives' report discussed the two new generators passed the four-hour run test. The stack test will be run on April 30, 2018. Mayor Harris discussed the landfill and the requirements from DNR on the two new generators.

Alderman VanDeMark thanked everyone for the opportunity to work with them. Alderman Kaderly thanked Alderman VanDeMark for his 24 years of service and said it was great working with the Council. 

Mayor Harris requested a motion to adjourn. Alderman VanDeMark made the motion to adjourn. Alderman Kaderly seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes. Therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.

The council met in regular session beginning at 6:51 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Harris. City Clerk Bev Baker swore in the elected Council members for a two-year term. The following were sworn Max Simmons, Ward One; Steve Gilkey, Ward Two; Logan Powell, Ward Three; Mark Gardner, Ward Four.

On roll call, the following members answered present: Judd Chesnut, Mark Gardner, Steve Gilkey, Brian Griffith, Mike Hull. Logan Powell, Max Simmons and Bill Talbott.

Police Chief Rives discussed the monthly reports from his department. Fire Chief Beatty discussed the monthly fire report. Jim Buzzard, Building Inspector discussed properties of nuisance structure. 704 W. 12th has been sold. The current status of the property stays with the building so the process does not need to start over. 712 Broadway house has been removed.

Mayor Harris presented his appointments of committees for the 2018-2019 years. Alderman Hull made the motion to approve the appointments. Alderman Simmons seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes.

Mayor Harris mentioned the review of the following reports:
Budget Analysis
Cash and Investments by Fund
Comparison of Bills and Financial Statements
Electric Sales Expenses – Not Budgeted
 Methane Gas Generator Income Expense
Nuisance Structures
Pooled Cash Report
Sales Tax Revenue

Next, Mayor Harris began the Mayor’s round table with discussing a conference call about the airport with Lochner. Chief Rives, Ms. Baker and the Mayor were in attendance for the call.

Alderman Hull mentioned Leggett and Platt is doing a second site visit to the Thorco Building. Alderman Gardner expressed looking forward to working with everyone.

Steven Kaderly discussed the MML training for new Council members on June 7th & 8th.

Chief Beatty discussed the grant he had submitted had been denied.

Alderman Powell said he looked forward to working with everyone.

City Clerk Bev Baker communicated the IPADS are the Alderman’s responsibility and they may take them home.

Mayor Harris asked if there was any more business to come before the council, if not, a motion to adjourn would be in order. Alderman Hull made the motion to adjourn. Alderman Talbott seconded the motion. On vote, all members present voted yes. Therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

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