Friday, July 12, 2024

Agenda posted for Crowder College Board of Trustees meeting


Neosho Campus Monday, July 22, 2024 

Call to Order at 10:00 a.m.


I.             Call to order

A.    Welcome guests

II.           Consent Agenda (Board Action)

  1. Minutes from previous meetings
  2. Approval of checks written for previous month
  3. Overload and Special Service Contract Policy – Second Reading
  4. Situational Remote Work Policy – Second Reading
  5. Updated Organizational Chart
  6. Facilities Corp New Members

III. Personnel (Board Action)

A.    Retirements and Resignations

B.     Changes of Status

  1. Employments

V. Academic Programs (Board Action)

  1. Addition of Programs
  1. Modification of Programs
  1. Deletion of Programs

VI. Budget and Finances       

A.    Grants (Informational)

B.     Contract and Purchase Approval (Anything over $10,000) BOARD ACTION

    1. Project Description: Postage for bookstore postage machine.
    2. Project Description: Cash for meals while traveling for the Upward Bound trip.
    3. Project Description: Lab kits for life science courses.
    4. Project Description: Scrubs for nursing and allied health students
    5. Project Description: Bookstore software licensing
    6. Project Description: Jenzabar renewal for J1 licensing
    7. Project Description: SoftDocs Etrieve Cloud Subscription renewal
    8. Project Description: Desktop computers for Joplin and Nevada
    9. Project Description: Payment for debt collection services.
    10. Project Description: Avanan licensing subscription
    11. Project Description: ExamSoft testing product
    12. Project Description: Food, beverage and sundries for the Bookstore
    13. Project Description: Student YMCA Fees
    14. Project Description: Two new Chevy Equinox's for admissions/recruitment
  1.  Contract and Purchase Information ($5,000-$9,999)
    1. Project Description: Electronic case study resource for nursing students.
    2. Project Description: Coke products for selling in the bookstore.
    3. Project Description: Cash for meals while traveling for the Bridge trip.
    4. Project Description: Bookstore ecommerce website hosting
    5. Project Description: Cash for meals while traveling for the Talent Search HS trip.
    6. Project Description: Interest only payment on the Series 2016 bond.
    7. Project Description: Principal and interest payment on the Series 2020 bond.
    8. Project Description: Advance meal plan billing to Great Western
    9. Project Description: (ACOTE) accreditation fee.
    10. Project Description: NJCAA Membership Dues
    11. Project Description: Viewbooks, promotional piece, and recruiting posters.

VII.       Special Presentations (Informational)

  1. Strategic Plan Year One Report

VIII.     President’s Report (Informational)

IX.   Trustees’ Comments and Announcements (Informational)

X.         New Business (Informational)

XI.       Executive Session

  1. Following the regular meeting, upon motion and roll call vote of the Board, the Board will move to a closed session to discuss personnel and real estate pursuant to Section 610.021 RSMo.  

XII. Adjournment

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