Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Carthage Police Department reveals results of alcohol compliance checks


(From the Carthage Police Department)

The Carthage Police Department, in cooperation with The Alliance of SWMO, recently conducted alcohol compliance checks at businesses throughout the city. 17 businesses within the city were checked with 14 being in compliance and three failing. 

The Alliance of Southwest Missouri provided funding, training, and teaching resources for the project. We want to say thank you to them and let everyone know that we plan to continue this project throughout the year.


  1. Hey, Carthage Police Department - WHAT THREE (3) STORES WERE NOT IN COMPLIANCE??? The NAMES of the specific businesses, the offenders, the stores that failed, the three places that - in all liklihood and it darn sure better be - have just fired at least one clerk - - - is typically the key piece of information when making such a press release.
    Seems about right for this self important old money elitist pretty tree and rock bumbleburg that here lately very publicly continually "defecates and falls back in it."

  2. At least Joplin gave all that info when they did the checks. Good info to know.
