Thursday, September 19, 2024

Agenda posted for Crowder College Board of Trustees meeting


Neosho Campus Monday, September 23, 2024 Call to Order at 10:00 a.m.

I.          Call to order

II.        Consent Agenda (Board Action)

  1. Minutes from previous meetings
  2. Approval of checks written for previous month
  3. Grants Policies and Procedures Manual
  4. Internal Hire Board Policy – Second Reading
  5. 2025 Board Meeting Calendar

III. Personnel (Board Action)

A.    Retirements and Resignations

B.     Changes of Status

  1. Employments

IV. Academic Programs (Board Action)

V. Budget and Finances         

A.    Grants (Informational)

B.      Contract and Purchase Approval (Anything over $10,000) BOARD ACTION

    1. Project Description: Hurst live board review
    2. Project Description: OTA Program instructional equipment
    3. Project Description: Guaranteed maximum price for Joplin building renovation.
    4. Project Description: Annual subscription to Lightcast/EMSI
    5. Project Description: Builders Risk Insurance
    6. Project Description: 20 student laptops
    7. Project Description: CTECs Health Science virtual dissection table
    8. Project Description: CTECs Auto Tech program new two-posts lifts.
    9. Project Description: CTEC's Building Trades program scaffolding system.
    10. Project Description: CTEC's building trades program skid steer.
    11. Project Description: Replacement of outdated IDEXX CR radiology system
    12. Project Description: Arctic Wolf Security Services
    13. Project Description: Fire Extinguishers
  1. Contract and Purchase Information ($5,000-$9,999)
    1. Project Description: Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ)
    2. Project Description: Barriers to restrict access to the new Joplin building.
    3. Project Description: CTECs welding program welders

VI.       Special Presentations (Informational)

  1. Adult Education and Literacy (AEL)
  2. Prioritization Dot Exercise (Facilities Master Plan)

VII.     President’s Report (Informational)

VIII.   Trustees’ Comments and Announcements (Informational)

IX.       New Business (Informational)

X.        Executive Session

  1. Following the regular meeting, upon motion and roll call vote of the Board, the Board will move to a closed session to discuss personnel and real estate pursuant to Section 610.021 RSMo.  

XI. Adjournment


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