Friday, September 20, 2024

Judge Joseph Hensley receives Judicial Excellence Award

(From the 29th Judicial Circuit)

St. Louis, Missouri – 19 September 2024 – Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Mary R. Russell presented the Judicial Excellence Award to Associate Circuit Judge Joseph L. Hensley during a ceremony recognizing outstanding service and dedication to the judiciary. 

Judge Hensley was one of ten judges throughout the state honored with this award. The ceremony was held Thursday morning, September 19, 2024, as a part of the annual meeting of the Judiciary Conference of Missouri, the organization of all the state’s judges, in St. Louis. 

The Judicial Excellence Award acknowledges judges who exhibit exceptional service, integrity, and leadership. In presenting the award, Chief Justice Russell emphasized the importance of these judges to Missouri's judicial system, stating, “These awards are for judges who serve the judiciary diligently and with integrity, who lead by example, and who provide Missouri citizens with the quality of justice they demand and deserve.” 

Judge Hensley was recognized for his work in the 29th Judicial Circuit and demonstrating leadership within the judicial community. Chief Justice Russell noted Judge Hensley’s work as the circuit’s presiding juvenile judge is “outstanding,” noting the “respect and affection for him” in the county is clear. The ten recipients of the Judicial Excellence Award represent various regions of Missouri, reflecting the statewide impact of their contributions to the court system. These judges have set a high standard of excellence in their service to the judiciary and the people of Missouri.


  1. Judicial Excellence Award!!! For what? Soft on crime, pleas deals, what Bailey Turner he couldn’t make show up for court until the victim was of age. Get a new job you don’t benefit JASCO at all

  2. Yeah! This one random person definitely knows everything! How dare he be a normal judge!
