Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Joplin High School science research students earn awards in competitions

(From Joplin Schools)

JHS Science Research students competed at the MSSU Regional Science Fair and the Missouri Junior Academy of Science last week, earning several awards and accolades for their excellence.
MSSU Regional Science Fair:

Overall Senior Division Science Fair Winner, advancing to the International Science and Engineering Fair: Anna Barnhart

1st runner up overall: Payton Erickson

Category Winners:

1st place in Human and Animal Sciences: Anna Barnhart
1st place in Cellular, Molecular, and Microbiology: Joseph Ipsen
3rd place in Cellular, Molecular, and Microbiology: Elizabeth Cornish
1st place in Environmental Science: Payton Erickson
2nd place in Environmental Science: Vivian Farber

Special Awards:
NASA Earth System Science Project Award: Vivian Farber
National Geographic Award: That's Geography- Cultivating Empathy for the Earth Award: Payton Erickson
NOAA's Taking the Pulse of the Planet Award: Vivian Farber
Office of Naval Research- Naval Science Award: Anna Barnhart
Office of Naval Research- Naval Science Award: Brooklyn Hiller
Ozark Gateway Audubon Society Award of Honor: Make a Difference Award: Payton Erickson
Ricoh Sustainable Development Award: Payton Erickson

Society of Science Award: Anna Barnhart
US Metric Association Award: Best Use of International System of Units Award: Payton Erickson
Stockholm Junior Water Prize: Payton Erickson
Yale Science and Engineering Award - Most Outstanding Exhibit in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Anna Barnhart
MSSU Environmental Club Award: Payton Erickson

Missouri Junior Academy of Science:

Anna Barnhart: 1 rating and State Qualifier
Payton Erickson: 1 rating and State Qualifier
Vivian Farber: 1 rating and State Qualifier
Joseph Ipsen: 1 rating and State Qualifier
Isabella Yust: 1 rating and State Qualifier
Elizabeth Cornish: 2 rating

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