Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Missouri Southern simulation center receives upgrades

(From Southern News Service)

Thanks to $74,000 in upgrades, Missouri Southern’s Simulation Center for Interdisciplinary Education (SCICE) is now even better equipped to train its students.

The budgeted money has resulted in the complete transition from analog to digital technology. New cameras, microphones, speakers, wiring, monitors and debriefing software are now a fixture in the lab. Southwest Audio-Visual (Springfield, MO) and Laerdal Medical Corporation (New York) provided the equipment and its installation.

“Basically we had been using technology from 2010 and nobody uses an iPhone from 2010 anymore, so it was just time,” said Caleb Lewis, coordinator for the Simulation Center. “When we first started, we could always tell students that they were learning with the most up-to-date, state-of-the-art equipment in simulation education. Here recently, we weren’t able to say that anymore. Now we can again. And this will be beneficial to both our students and faculty members.”

SCICE is located on the third floor of the Health Science Building, and offers a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare education. It provides an environment for students to practice and demonstrate a variety of clinical skills, not to mention team training, integrated standardized patients, medical-surgical simulations, disaster and emergency and trauma care training, life support training and long-term care.

The center also gives nurses, respiratory therapists, first responders and other healthcare providers the opportunity to learn and perfect the latest techniques and best practices for patient care and safety.

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