Friday, January 11, 2019

Assault victim found in road at 3rd and Connor dies at hospital, Joplin Police investigation underway

(From the Joplin Police Department)

On 1-11-2019 at 6:50PM the Joplin Police Department was dispatched to 3rd and Connor for a male down in the roadway.

Officers arrived and determined the male had been assaulted. 

He was transported to Freeman Hospital and detectives began an investigation. The male later died at the hospital and a death investigation is underway. No arrests have been made. 

Anyone with any information on the case is asked to please contact the Joplin Police Department.

Joplin Police release name of homicide victim


  1. Thank you to our City Manager for allowing crime to get out of control in this city, by keeping wages for the JPD at an all time low for so long, causing our enforcement officers to leave.
    What an ignorant group of people we have, running this city.

  2. Yes. They didn't give a damn. However if were their own this wouldn't have happened.

  3. This kind of doper on doper crime can happen in any city, regardless of how many well paid cops they have. You can thank Big Pharma for turning the U.S. into a nation of addicts and lousy parents for letting their kids get involved with drugs.

    1. or you can thank the weakness of the addict and his/her poor choices. it IS a choice - every time, every day, every dose. this is what happens, there is no out - you land in jail, if you're lucky, or you end up like this guy - dead in the gutters. aint no one's fault but his/her own.

  4. Rumor has it was a guy that goes by the name bull

  5. The ironic part is the person responsible for his death was the victim of a brutal beating with a bat late last year. In which the guy who best him is sitting in jail still with no bond and has from the beginning claimed self defense... Makes a person wonder if he should be in jail for beating him or not.

  6. are you saying since the cops are low wage they do a bad job ? Stay in school get a 4 year degree join the FBI or highway patrol

  7. Absolutely, was self defense. Had Jack not swung the bat, he would have been Osborne's first victim. Sadly, the first victim had to be my best friend and brother... rest in peace Shawn, see you in the pages of Leviticus!
